PORTO, PORTUGAL, August 31st - September 4th 2014
About Porto
Option 2
METRO (from the Airport to the Casa da Musica Railway Station)
At the Light-Rail Metro Station in Oporto Airport, take an E line (Violet) light-rail train to the Casa da Música Railway Station in Porto (~22 mins). Ticket Z4 - 1.85 €
For more information, please visit Metro do Porto.
BUS (from Casa da Musica Railway Station to the Conference Location/Center city)
At the Casa da Música Station, take one of the following buses to the Conference location (PLANETÁRIO):
- 903 or 902 (LABORIM or LAVADORES);
- 204 (FOZ);
Ticket Z2 - 1.20 € Ticket 24 hours Z2 - 4.15 €
For more information, please visit STCP.
Accommodation booking can be done during registration, following the link.
Download brochure. Any query about accomomodation, please contact: lise.teixeira@abreu.pt
Option 1
TAXI (from the Airport to the Conference Location/Center city)
You can take a Taxi from the airport to the center city (~20 km). Taxi are very safe in Portugal. Most of the taxi drivers can easily understand english. Depending of the trafic, the cost of the TAXI from the airport to the center city is about 25 to 35 Euros.
ECTP2014 Executive Secretariat
Lise Teixeira
Congress Department – PCO
Abreu Destination Management – Oporto Office
Agência Abreu (RNAVT1702)
Av. dos Aliados, nº 207| 4000-067 Porto, Portugal
Phone: +351 22 2043572 | Fax: +351 22 2043693 | www.abreudmc.com
Conference Location:
Faculty of Science University of Porto
R. Campo Alegre, 687
4169-007 Porto, Portugal

University of Porto, Portugal