PORTO, PORTUGAL, August 31st - September 4th 2014
Local organizers ECTP2014 sincerely acknowledge the support and partnership of the following companies and organizations who contributed to the success of this event

Make your choice from among our diverse variety of instruments for Thermal Analysis. NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing has consistently invested its long-time experience into innovative new developments and advanced technologies conceived for state-of-the-art application tasks in materials research and development, quality assurance and process optimization.
Termolab was founded in 1987 and was the first company to produce high temperature furnaces in Portugal. For the past 20 years has been developing and producing furnaces for a wide range of processes and applications.
The PARALAB was founded in 1992 to operate in the distribution of scientific and industrial applications for laboratory equipment, is today set the benchmark in this sector in Portugal.
The ParalAB differentiates itself by: offer one of the most complete ranges of laboratory equipment in Portugal; provide the best after-sales service, supported by an extensive team with deep knowledge of analytical techniques commercialized; training and support customers.
Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporation is the pioneer in high resolution, high sensitivity and high reliability thermal analysis instrumentation. Providing users with high performance thermal analyzers with easy operation, the Hitachi 7000 series of thermal analyzers give you the confidence to achieve fast, accurate and reproducible results.
Close to 32 000 students, 2 400 teachers and researchers along with 1 600 administrative staff attend its 15 schools and 60 scientific research units, spread across 3 university campuses located in the city of Porto. The University of Porto is the biggest producer of Science in Portugal, responsible for 23% of the Portuguese articles indexed each year in the ISI and the most productive and internationally renowned Portuguese R&D centers. Over half of its research units were classified as “Excellent” or “Very Good” by the latest international evaluations.
Created in 1973, the University of Aveiro quickly became one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in Portugal. Now a public foundation under private law, it continues to develop and implement its mission to provide undergraduate and postgraduate education, to generate research and promote cooperation with society.Attended by about 15 000 students on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, the UA has achieved a significant position amongst higher education institutions in Portugal, being one of the top universities regarding the quality of its infrastructures, the strength of its research and the excellence of its staff.
TA Instruments
TA Instruments provides the most extensive selection of instruments for dilatometry and the measurement of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity from famous acquired companies (Bahr, Anter Corporation, Lasercomp and Expert System Solution). Our products feature innovative technology for the highest accuracy measurements and autosamplers and dual-sample configurations to maximize throughput. These important technologies are backed by the best global support network in the industry, making TA Instruments the clear choice for all your thermophysical property measurement needs.

University of Porto, Portugal