PORTO, PORTUGAL, August 31st - September 4th 2014
ECTP 2014 will be held in Porto (Portugal) from August 31 to September 4, 2014.
The present Conference is the 20th in a series of successful conferences on Thermophysical Properties held in Europe since 1968. This conference is now coordinated with sister conferences on the same topics in the USA and in Asia, with a conference being held every year in one of the continents. All the ECTP technical sessions will be held at the Faculty of Science of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
The conference will include plenary and invited lectures, oral presentations, flash oral presentations, poster sessions and discussion sessions on specialized topics. The ECTP Award for Lifetime Achievements, as well as the ECTP NETZSCH Young Scientist Award will also be presented during the event.
Selected topics:
- Energy (Production, Storage, Transport);
- Electronic Materials;
- Ionic Liquids.
This is a unique opportunity for the worldwide Thermophysics Community to share their recent achievements and to provide a forum for academic European scientists and industrial researchers to meet and exchange valuable experiences in the field of thermophysical properties of a wide variety of systems covering fluids and solids.
We look forward to see you all in Porto for a wonderful time.
Conference Chairs:
Luís Santos (University of Porto, Portugal)
João Coutinho (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Properties for Fuels and Energy Systems
Properties for Materials Science at High Temperatures
Properties of Polymers and Composites
Properties of Aqueous Systems
Properties of Solids
Properties of Working Fluids including Refrigerants
Properties of Ionic Liquids
Optical and Thermal Radiative Properties
Photothermal and Photoacoustic Techniques
Thermal Properties of Nanostructured Materials
Properties of Nanomaterials and Thin Films
Thermophysical Methods for Biomaterials and Biosystems
Fluid Property Measurements
Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques
Theory of Thermophysical Properties
Molecular Simulation
Correlations and Engineering Equations of State
Databases and Software
Next Conference
Sep 3 - 8, 2017, Graz, Austria

University of Porto, Portugal