PORTO, PORTUGAL, August 31st - September 4th 2014
All authors whose abstracts will have been accepted and regular registration, get chance and are welcome to submitte their papers to the listed journals below. The manuscripts will be submited and reviewed by the regular submission process.
International Journal of Thermophysics
Journal of Thermophysical Properties and Thermophysics and Its Applications.
High Temperatures-High Pressures
The International Journal of Thermophysical Properties Research.
- An International Journal concerned with all aspects of Thermoanalytical and Calorimetric Methods and their application to Experimental Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Engineering.
Journal Policy
• Only Regular registrants can submit their papers to Journals. |
• Please consider that very limited papers will be published on each Journal. |
• Authors who do not present their paper at the venue can not apply to journals even though they have registered the conference. |
• The registrant who submits the paper to Journals should be one of Co-authors of the paper. |
• Authors, want their paper to be published on the Journals, are required to pay the Publication fee, if applicable. |
• It is allowed to submit each paper to only one journal.
For more information, please feel free to contact the secretariat of ECTP 2014. (E-mail: ectp2014@fc.up.pt) |


University of Porto, Portugal