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PORTO, PORTUGAL, August 31st - September 4th 2014
ECTP Lifetime Award
ECTP Young Scientist Award

Nominations are invited for the ECTP-NETZSCH Young Scientist Award in recognition of exceptional scientific achievements in thermophysical properties research. The Award will be given during the ECTP 2014. The recipient should be no more than 40 years of age at the time of the award presentation. The application can be made either personally or by a sponsor(s). Each nomination should be accompanied by a detailed description of the achievements of the nominee and a complete CV containing a list of publications.
ECTP NETZSCH Young Scientist Award Recipients:
Nominations are invited for the ECTP Lifetime Award in recognition of well-defined original scientific achievements in thermophysics over a long period of activity. The application can be made either personally or by a sponsor(s). Each nomination should be accompanied by a brief biography, a list of significant publications and a description of professional achievements in thermophysics and 1-2 letter(s) of recommendation from influential members of the thermophysics community detailing the specific reasons for the nomination.
ECTP Lifetime Award Recipients:
1986 E. Fitzer (Germany)
1988 F. Cabannes (France)
1990 R.E. Taylor (USA)
1993 G. Ruffino (Italy, posthumous)
1996 H.E. Schmidt (Germany)
1999 R. Taylor (UK)
2002 K. Maglic (Serbia)
2005 R. Tye (UK)
2008 A. Nagashima (Japan)
2011 W. Wakeham (UK)
1999 Steffen Rudtsch (Germany)
2002 Brian Monaghan (UK)
2005 Maria José Vitoriano Lourenço (Portugal)
2008 Juergen Brillo (Germany)
2011 Robert Hellmann (Germany)
ECTP Best Poster Award
The Certificates for Best Poster in ECTP 2014 were awarded to:
Beatriz Giner
P_079 - "Physicochemical Properties and Green Chemistry"
Frédéric Plantier
P_157 - "Recent Improvements in the High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry Method Applied to the Study of Gas Hydrates"
Prof. Hiroshi Takamatsu
P_174 - "Measurement of In-plane Thermal Conductivity of Thin Film Using a Micro-Beam Sensor; A Feasibility Study with a Gold Film"
ECTP2014 Organizing Committee

University of Porto, Portugal

ECTP2014 Sponsor
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