PORTO, PORTUGAL, August 31st - September 4th 2014
Abstracts Submission
Proceed to abstract submission in ECTP2014 through the following link: Abstract Submission.
Please make sure you are a registered participant before submitting your abstracts (you will need a password).
Registration payment deadline, 30th June.
Please download the mandatory guidelines and template here.
Oral comunications will selected among the submited abstracts.
Award certificates for the best posters. 5 VIP (Very Important Posters) Poster Certificates.
Note: the number of abstracts per registered participant (presenter) could be restricted due to the available space reserved for the poster session .
May 15th, 2014
Abstract Submission deadline
24H (UTC - Coordinated Universal Time)
(Only for Posters and Flash Communication)
Oral Submissions are CLOSED
May 31st, 2014
Notification of acceptance
June 30th, 2014
Registration payment deadline
Notification of abstracts acceptance
is in backoffice processing.
and will be/was send to the corresponding author
email address
Abstracts submission are

University of Porto, Portugal